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- Ontwerp Je Eigen PlayStation 5 Controller Skin
Mooie Skin, past niet perfect
Ik had een skin besteld met foto's erop, de foto's waren erg scherp en zagen er mooi uit. Het middelste gedeelte van de skin past goed en zit perfect, de 2 buitenste stickers sluiten niet perfect aan. Je houdt wat bubbeltjes en het sluit niet goed aan op de controller helaas.
Houten Figuur Golden Retriever
Cijfer Sticker Arial 3
Naamsticker maken
Naamsticker maken
Wijnetiket maken
- Ontwerp je eigen Playstation 4 Controller Skin
PlayStation 5 Console Skin Kapur
PlayStation 5 Console Skin Kapur
A complete set for your PS5 (without the stand). First I watched a couple of videos on Youtube how to perform such a procedure. You have to be patient and precise. It is easy to remove a sticker within a few minutes though if you need to correct a sticker placement. Make sure to cover the edges. I used a couple of stripes available from what you throw away to cut a few pieces to better cover the edges and the DVD. On the DVD side I had to cut a 1cm line to nicely stick it due to the shape of this side (see the picture). Practically this is not visible. A scalpel would be useful to cut off any excess from the edges. I would love to see a video from StickerMaster how to perform this procedure.